Thursday, January 23, 2014

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An Open Letter to Mr. Somnath Bharti

AAP Law Minister Racism Somnath Bharti
Mr. Somnath Bharti
Law and Order Minister,
Delhi Government

Respected Sir,

AAP or Aam Aadmi Party despite being in the eye of storm since its inception has somewhere also been a ray of hope for a lot of masses. Primarily the middle class and capable-to-change-anything youth have favored it tremendously through its all ups and downs.
This has been the reason that the party which all polls and political pundits predicted as to be only the game spoiler emerged out to be a big winner in its debut elections itself.

But the things that are happening after it are way too worrisome.  First of all let me make it very clear, the vote bank of AAP which invariably is the masses desirous of some change, are untouched by senseless foul mouthing and kid-dish ploys of opponent parties. So CM Kejriwal opting for a Five Room Flat and His minister using an Innova could be howsoever blown out of proportion by some miscreants but it’s not hampering their cadre aspirations and trust which inarguably are used to seeing ministers living in huge Bunglows and travelling in large cavalcade’s containing a number of luxury cars.

Indeed what a full force of critics and opponents could not do is finally done by Mr. Kejriwal’s very own minister.

Yes sir, you achieved the in-achievable. You despite being a well qualified attorney passing unlawful orders in full media glare have done something that has certainly not gone down well with many and all. Mr. Arvind Kejriwal’s strong backing of your acts worked just as the cherry on the ice. The snow is melting and soon AAP may find itself in troubled water.

Let me please remind you for once on how and as it happened.
Allegedly you Honorable Sir Mr. Somnath Bharti, the Law Minister has been receiving several complains about African (Majorly Nigerian) people living in the Khirki extension. Your confidantes have confirmed you that they were involved in some illegal activities happening in that areas like drug marketing and prostitution.

So as you know it happened like this- One fine night Mr Bharti Decided to go on and sweep this mess at once. But sorry to see sir, the broom didn't work well this time. In fact the way you conducted this alleged raid was a direct reminder of Moral Policing from some so called activists.

Firstly when you went there with the party cadres, you weren't in any mood to relent or cross check. You were well too preoccupied with all the pre-conceptions about people of a certain race. For you that night all black women’s were prostitutes and men drug dealers. Kudos to the law minister for this awesome profiling of people based on their colours.

Nevertheless you are the Law Minister of the capital city of World’s Largest Democracy. India of course is a proud country which boosts of its unity in diversity model. And here we have a constitutionally sworn-in minister profiling criminals on the basis of caste and colour. Sounds Great!!!
Let me tell you straight and clear Sir, it’s the last thing this new and emergent India can tolerate.

And the way you conducted this whole thing was no less than a nuisance. Once you spotted few women that amounting to your prejudice of their nationality were prostitutes, so YOU the all powerful minister ordered his accompanying mass of so called party cadres(all males), to run and nab these women’s. They did.

Mr. Somanath Bharti, did anyone tell you we live in a civilized society? If this all catching and enforcement of law is supposed to be done by your confidantes itself than why don’t you please drop your portfolio of Law minister and just become the self-sustained moral policing minister.
Yes, for sure as promised in your election manifesto you are not supposed to move in to luxurious bungalows but that doesn’t amount to shifting in caves and implementing laws of the jungle in the city.

We are way out of the rock age and also request you to please be.

Oh one thing, you like it or hate it but Drinking Alcohol in India is not a crime. Howsoever you may be against it but people pay for it to consume it. Please make yourself aware of the heavy taxes that government charge over these alcoholic beverages and the huge revenue that it earns through it for the functioning of government. I thought of mentioning this to you because a day earlier to your this very courageous raid, you also visited a 24*7 store that by its name and origin is supposed to be open 24 hours a day and objected over a person who was sitting outside it in a drunk state.

I have also read in newspapers that you ordered some police personals present there to arrest him which denied saying that unless he is causing a nuisance they cannot arrest him.
Sir, doesn’t it feel bad to learn laws from police officer even after being an attorney?

So please try to keep your high moral values and right-wrong conceptions away from your duties. People cannot live as per your desires. We have a constitution for to tell us difference between right and wrong and please limit your moral policing to your blind followers only.

Lest I forget to mention, another thing that I felt bad about is the treatment meted out to you by the Delhi police Personals (Anyways you deserved it well). They should have at least offered due courtesies to the post you were representing. The manner in which SHO Mahendrapal ignored your orders completely is not right as well. (Here I also doubt whether he had any other option or not as you were not in any mood to listen to anything)

Now one last thing, sir you are justifying all these things by saying that people from the Khirki extension wanted this and you will do what people would want. I am also very fond of this notion and supported your party for this thing only in this Delhi Assembly Polls. But the thing that concerns me is that even the right thing has a right way to do.

Our constitution very well defines itself as “By the People, to The people and For The People” but at the same time it doesn’t advocates killing of some driver who has done an accident, by the road mob. So as a law Minister we suppose you to at least know some basics and kindly practice it.

Moreover as much as “I will do what people would say” notion is concerned, I am also eager to know that how many persons are required to want you to resign before you step down. I would also like to inform you that yesterday I signed a petition requesting Mr. Kejriwal to sack you down. It already had 200+ signatures. Please clarify how much more you want before obliging to this request of the people.

Anyways, Thank You Sir for Your Time and Effort!!!

Best regards’
An Aam Aadmi

(Not member of your party)


Author & Editor

An Engineer by qualification, a blogger by choice and an enterprenur by interest. Loves to read and write and explore new places and people.


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