Tuesday, January 7, 2014

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Corruption, Religion, Politics and We the People of India!!!

#Vote4Change BJP Gujrat Riot India Narendra Modi Politics Youth For Change

A complete analogy of everything from Congress led corrupt government to fatal fate of UP voters to Gujrat Riot issue and role of We the People of India in this all. How and why are we reduced to the place of Pawns in this divisive democracy?

India today is unfortunately lacking behind expectation and beyond imagination on more than many fronts. Be it economic stability or protecting the sovereignty of the nation, the present government has failed its people on each and everything they desire.

Yes, we the people are fed up of congress. We don’t want to see advertisements worth Crores of rupees in newspaper on Birthdays and death anniversaries of Rajiv, Indira or Nehru, Instead we want that money to be spent on something fruitful, something worthwhile. Nevertheless it’s too late for to make Congress understand all this. With time they have become a party of sycophants and blind followers. The Mother-Son duo has tarnished the very fabric of Democracy to an irreparable extent.

From the last ten years they are treating our country, our very own India, like their personal private limited business, even that would have more accountability than this crocodile skinned good-for nothing government.
People of India, precisely the middle class have suffered unbearable pains under the latent dictatorial rule of the present UPA government. This class is completely exhausted. They all hate congress and everything remotely related to it to the last extent.

The congress party in its rule of over five decade has given nothing to this country except for many programs and schemes on the names of Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi. Many of these have been completely hollow and proved disastrous to economy and most of these have been worked only as pits to loot more and more money.

Sir Winston Churchill, the war time Prime Minister of England said in June 1947,” Power will go on to hands of rogues, rascals, freebooters; ; all Indian leaders will be of low calibre and men of straw… They will fight amongst themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles.”

As of Now it doesn't seem like we need any proof of the visionary skills of this man.

Congress has for years and years used the same propaganda of Divide and Rule which was used by Britisher’s years ago. Yet, we the people of India again and again failed to understand the evil face of this party.

On the name of being secular they divided nation like no one else. The UPA alliance consists of allies who get their base from region, religion and caste based politics.

UP’s Behenji the seasoned player of caste based politics supports congress and in return she becomes flawless from all corruption charges.

Another father-son duo from the same state feel shameless in going to any extent of minority appeasement even like dropping of charges and terrorist cases from the persons of a certain religion(The idea got severely criticized by Allahabad High court and thus had to be dropped) and giving selective scholarship to the girls of a particular religion.

I just don’t understand what kind of dirty politics is this. I feel agitated over such shameless display of partisan governance.

Ironically the Neta Ji of this visionary party says that he supports Congress just to keep “Sampadaaik Shatiyaan” at bay!!!

They have actually made a complete religion communal and everything else secular. They fool us and we get fooled time and again.

Like what kind of secularism is this? Do they even know what being secular means? Even the new debutant of this kind of politics from Bihar, Mr.Nitish Kumar, who joyfully adorns a skull cap at any given occasion and has reportedly refused to cover his head in a Gurudwara recently, is trying very hard to woo minority and backward caste voters.

Why, I ask why? Is this what the sovereign India republic stands for?

Is this what India wants today? No, Not at all. The villages need proper sanitation, water supply, power supply and roads. The urban areas require better infrastructure, more jobs and a check on price rise. Whole of the India wants to get rid of corruption.

We want a fight on these issues and we as the people of India should pressurize our leaders to make them as the core issues instead of promising religion based benefits.

Take the example of UP. Divided in all this stuff of caste and religion the state has come to a point where its people only get to choose between a CM all interested in building Monuments with her own statues or a leader form a laptop distributing party which happily enjoys a decked-with-celebrities family extravaganza in their native place completely sponsored by honest taxpayers money while the children’s of the same state are dying in a relief camp.

Till we keep on getting divided and continue voting based only on our religion and caste this is all we are going to get.
Secularism today has confined itself to the idea of blindly supporting everything except Hinduism and for some people it has moved to the level of being completely against Hindu religion and practices.
No, it’s not secularism.
Its stupidity, foolishness and more over its completely irrational.

Nobody and I repeat nobody has a right to raise a finger over what I think of my religion, how I practice it and what I believe in. And it equally applies to the people of all the religions.

I don’t want any party to discriminate between me and my fellow citizen, based on what religions we follow. We all, irrespective of what religion we follow should understand that only when we will vote above caste and religion, can we expect a growth that’s inclusive. Else wise every section of society will only remain as a mere vote bank ho will be remembered and pampered only once in five years.

But miserably this is where congress has brought us today. They have nothing else to talk for, they don’t believe in development, they don’t in growth, economic stability, checking price rise etc. Nothing matters to them because they know at the time of elections they will divert all attention from these issues and would only focus on their bogus secular credentials. Congress and its allies bang hard on this point.

Congress wants to counter BJP’s prime ministerial candidate by projecting him as a polarizing figure. They would cry their heart out that he s the most communal person in India. They will try hard to make everyone believe that as soon as Modi comes to power he will get all minority population out of this country or at least would make their life hell. Indeed he’s never going to do any such thing.

People should understand these things, should look deeper in to issues. Person’s mourning Gujrat Riot victims even now should also know how many people die in India due to hunger every day? How many children’s die due to malnourishment?  What is the number of farmers committing suicide every year?
All these are also deaths, happening daily. But no we will not count these because we don’t know their religion, we don’t know their caste and they don’t induce any vote bank.

Whom to blame- Price Rise? Deflecting Economy? Corruption?

No we need to blame ourselves, because we vote our leaders without knowing what their credentials are, what they are promising and are they honest. Instead knowing their name and realizing he belongs to our caste or religion is enough for us to vote. It’s obvious they loot us, but who cares at least we are being looted from one of our own, isn’t it?

Gujrat Riot Story is only an example of how even a riot can be suitably glamorised, magnificently advertised, cooked up and refreshed regularly only because it suits the platter of some religion based vote hungry politics.

It is time to live in present for the betterment of future. It is time we understand the mollified intentions of some politicians. It’s time we start thinking only and only of India and its development.

Remember, even a beggar pays tax because he also eats and surely purchases something that taxable. We all fund our government and their needs to be more say of our in it beyond sending only our caste and religion representatives to it.

We are not the pawns, We are the Kings only if we realize and know our power.


Author & Editor

An Engineer by qualification, a blogger by choice and an enterprenur by interest. Loves to read and write and explore new places and people.


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