Monday, November 18, 2013

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Narendra Modi or Rahul Gandhi, Who is better?

BJP Congress Future PM India NaMo Narendra Modi PM Politics Rahul Gandhi

India today is bewildered with a choice. And actually it is a very tough one to choose best candidate for the prime position in India. Though from the hoards of leaders of the third front group to an old Zinnah praising patriarch, there are a lot many people carving out to have a taste of the most powerful seat in India, but the revered honour is not so easy to get. Indeed practically the fight is confined to only two people.

On one hand we have a democratically chosen three term CM roaring like a lion demanding votes on a record of development whereas on the other a born-with-silver-spoon, very young at 43 many times clueless scion of oldest political party of India.

Let us start with a brief introduction of the two.

To begin with let us talk about Modi. His journey started even before the days of emergency and from a humble position of a karykarta. He became the CM of Gujarat in 2001 by replacing Keshubhai Patel who was cornered due to incompetency in dealing with Gujarat earthquakes.  Thereafter he has always been elected with complete majority for two more consecutive terms and proudly endorses his achievements of proficiently developing Gujarat everywhere. 

Secondly comes Rahul Gandhi, he owns the title of future prime minister of India from the day he was born. He has served at various posts in INC. Obviously enough; his journey has been too swift and fast. In 2004 Gandhi entered public life; he ran for and won his father's old seat of Amethi. Soon enough in 2007, he was elected as the General Secretary of the Congress party, a previously executive post held by his father, and by his great-grandfather, Jawaharlal Nehru. Amidst calls from Congress party veterans for his greater involvement in party politics and national government, Gandhi was elected Congress Vice President in 2013. Choose to call it inspiring or full of struggle but this is the actual story of the youth icon’s 9 year long journey to the top.

But when we do comparative study, we find that:
Modi has the charm to mesmerize people with his enthralling speeches; he keeps people spellbound where as Rahul lacks the aura of a leader, reading speeches maybe termed ok but at least then it should make some sense. He sounds very unconvincing and at times too naive to be in this competition.
Modi talks about developments he has done, makes fearless remarks over misuse of CBI and bluntly refuses to bow down to any conspiracies and allegations.

 Rahul tells us about the escape velocity of Jupiter, recites the story of his friends killing his grandmother and shamelessly gives a discourse on problems his very own party has created.
Also thumping Crowds at the rallies of Modi is engrossing and increasing day by day contrary to the sights of thinning crowds at Rahul’s rally. After all if congress remembers India is a democracy and head count matters!

Frankly enough if the circle he stays in would have had little less sycophants’ maybe Mr.Gandhi would have a faceoff with reality and he would have become of some real use.
UPA has now ruled us for more than 9 years and has literally jeopardized economy. Price rise, unemployment, poverty had all made new records. Now scams are happening in amounts having innumerable zeros after some random digit.

I don’t say modi would bring with him some magic wand and change everything overnight but at least we have enough reasons to rely on him to hand over our nation to his proficient leadership. On a lighter note, he even doesn’t have a son-in-law to whom he could gift some millennium city.

The thing is I would never give the keys to my home to a robber who has been robbing my house since long time.
 The Key is your vote, the house is your country and else you know who is who!!! 
Decide well and do vote. 

The Point is very simple and straight- At the end it is your country you will vote for and it’s high time to choose whether you want to pay for your vote or get rewarded for it.

(Image Courtesy: Google Image Search)


Author & Editor

An Engineer by qualification, a blogger by choice and an enterprenur by interest. Loves to read and write and explore new places and people.


  1. what about thousands of innocents killed under the administration of Mr. Modi? forget rahul and everything ...

    1. Mr. Unknown, though given your anonymity I would have just deleted this comment and moved on but keeping in mind some misconceptions that need to be clarified, hereby I answer your question.

      According to the official figures, the riots resulted in the deaths of 790 Muslims and 254 Hindus; 2,500 people were injured non-fatally, and 223 more were reported missing.

      Yes it cannot be forgiven, but leave alone the media trials no other court or evidence has pointed Modi as responsible for it. Contrarily Gujrat Riots have been controlled in just 3 days, which itself speaks for the way it had been handled.
      In all cases of 'genocide,' when a State is complicit in violence, without exception, the first thing that happens is people leave their homes and become refugees.
      Have the minorities fled the state of Gujarat or India?
      Has a single person crossed over to Pakistan due to the Gujarat riots?
      The only instance of large-scale ethnic cleansing in independent India has been in Kashmir when over 200,000 Kashmiri Hindus fled their ancient land and live as refugees in other parts of the country for the last 25 years.

      Now another fact, India is the hunger capital of the world. India has More than 27 per cent of the world’s undernourished population lives in India, of whom 43 per cent children (under five years) are underweight.
      “A hungry world is a dangerous world, without food, people have only three options: They riot, they emigrate or they die.”
      People are dying in daily and some people want to be stuck to something that happened some 11 years back! Ask yourself did you want a corrupt government that is killing your brothers and sisters daily or someone who at least promises to eradicate some problems pertaining to common people.
      Please Move on from 2002!!


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