Friday, July 10, 2015

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Honey Diet is Healthy Diet!

Dabur Honey featured Honey Honey Diet Honey Recipes
Summer is a tough time to deal with. Ever component of our diet plays a vital role in our well-being during these intense sunny days. Hence it is very important to take good care of whatever we consume during these days.

I for one prefer to eat healthy and light food to cope up with summer heat and keep myself healthy and energetic throughout the day. Water content is another major thing that needs to be kept in mind to avoid any kind of dehydration or summer strokes in this weather.

Incidentally there are many great Indian dishes that can make part of our daily routine in this weather. There are many natural ingredients that make a whole lot of difference to our physical and mental health. Prime among them is honey.

Honey has a lot of health benefits. It has always been revered as an extremely significant part of ancient Ayurveda due to its huge nutritional and medicinal value.

Apart from being extremely healthy what makes a honey diet really great is its taste. There are enough things that can claim to be healthy and tasty at the same time. In this regard honey comes out to be a great exception. Honey can be easily utilized to make a number of delicious meals and could be consumed on a regular basis for enormous health benefits.

The best two honey dishes that I particularly like and consume quite regularly are honey fruit salad and honey corn flakes. It is really easy to make it in home and it also offers me a great amount of energy and nutrition’s.

Here is a simple way to make these two Honey Diet dishes at home:

Honey fruit salad: There is no dearth of fruits that we get in summers. From tasty mangoes to juicy watermelons, apples to bananas you can choose any combination of your favorite fruit to make this delicious healthy breakfast. I prefer apples, grapes and banana. Slice all these fruits and take them in a bowl. Pour a little amount of fresh cream followed by two tea-spoons of Dabar honey and one tea-spoon of glucose powder. Mix them well using a spoon. Refrigerate it for 10 minutes for cream and honey to be absorbed well and your fruits to become more cool and refreshing. Now your delicious and healthy breakfast is ready.

Honey Corn Flakes: For this extremely nutritional and delicious dish all you need is a few slices of milk, banana, strawberry, cornflakes and Dabar honey. Pour 200ml milk in a bowl, cut one banana and two strawberries in to slices in to it. Mix two tea-spoon of Dabar honey and pour 200gms of cornflakes in to it. Your delicious healthy snack is ready to eat.

So try these delicious honey dishes at home this summer and experience joy of health and taste.

I recommend Dabar honey for all honey dishes because of its natural taste and high nutritional value. Go for it!


Author & Editor

An Engineer by qualification, a blogger by choice and an enterprenur by interest. Loves to read and write and explore new places and people.


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