Tuesday, April 14, 2015

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ASUS Zenfone2- Beginning of A New Era of Fully Loaded Smartphones

With launch of fabulous ASUS Zenfone series back last year, ASUS had surely captured attention and imagination of Indian smartphone users. And now seems like it is time for moving ahead to more good times.
ASUS is all set to launch its ASUS Zenfone2 series on 23rd April in India. Regarded as India’s first smartphone with a 4 GB Ram, ASUS Zenfone2 has surely raised the bar of expectations and desires.

A lot of us are anxiously waiting for this marvelous phone and needless to say I am no exception. So as I #CantWait4Zenfone2 more enough, I decided to check on my own and took a little sneak-peak at the fabulous features of upcoming ASUS Zenfone2. So here are a few most amazing features of ASUS Zenfone2, enjoy it and surely you can thank me later!

Amazing Camera:

Camera in ASUS Zenfone’s has undoubtedly been one of their strongest features. ASUS Zenfone features a 13-megapixel rear autofocus camera with Asus's PixelMaster technology and a 5-megapixel front camera as well.

Yeah, you heard it right. A 5 Megapixel front camera for all your selfies!

Also the new PixelMaster technology promises to make your pictures 400% brighter, even in very dim or dark light. So now with such an amazing smartphone in your hand you can very well become the best photographer of all your parties and can capture the most fabulous pictures in even the dimly lit discos. Sound’s exciting!

Multitasking Made Easy:

ASUS Zenfone2 is going to be India’s first smartphone boosting a 4GB RAM. All smartphones that we have now are either 2 GB or maximum 3GB. With a 4GB RAM now a user can efficiently switch between different applications without any hassle or delay. It indeed is a very significant development for today’s modern generation which takes pride in multitasking all the time.

Enhanced Battery Charging Capacity:

ASUS Zenfone2 promises an ASUS exclusive technology which will charge your cellphone very rapidly as compared to traditional devices. According to company’s claims, ASUS zenfone2 can now be charged to about 60% in only 39 minutes.
Now that surely is a big-big relief for us android users. With so many applications and round the clock connectivity on various social networking websites, battery indeed has always been a major issue. Now as ASUS promises to adequately charge my smartphone in less than it, I for one am totally in for it.

Also if you take a look at this new ASUS Zenfone2, you will realize how beautifully it has been designed and how keenly the organization has worked on placement of all the tabs and buttons.

I am anxiously waiting to lay my hands on ASUS Zenfone2 and am sure that this post would have made you also more curious, so why wait check out more amazing features of ASUS Zenfone2 by clicking at this link.

Happy exploring!!!

(image courtsey: ww.asus.com )


Author & Editor

An Engineer by qualification, a blogger by choice and an enterprenur by interest. Loves to read and write and explore new places and people.


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