Tuesday, March 31, 2015

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Empowering India Bit-by-Bit: “The #DigitalIndia Dream”

#DigitalIndia Digital India E-governance Intel Technology
For Digital India to become a reality, a paradigm shift in complete form of governance is quite necessary.  We cannot visualize the dream of a digital India without implementing fruitful schemes of good governance through digital mediums.

Technology has always been at the forefront of bringing commendable changes by eradicating conventional gaps. Governance can be made more people friendly and transparent through rightful use of available digital technologies.
E governance has the power and potential to tremendously accelerate the vision and formation of a Digital India.

In my opinion an effective digital India campaign necessarily needs to touch these segments of governance

Digitization of Important Government Procedures:

Every citizen of India necessarily requires certain documents like birth certificate, voter ID card, driving license, Pan Card, Passport etc. Like many other technologically advanced countries India can also develop and implement technology to accept applications for these important documents through digital forums. Even many of these important government documents can be completely procured through digital modes and be delivered digitally. It will not only decrease people’s hassles but would also significantly lower down the prevalent corruption in these departments.

Last Man Connect:

India is a vast country and it becomes really difficult and tiring exercise to take all beneficial government schemes to each and every person. Awareness itself is a big issue in such a geographically vast mass of land. Through E-governance spreading awareness about government policies and schemes can be made really swift and smooth. With increasing pace of internet coverage and rapidly growing e-literacy, technology can be very well used to eradicate this information gap.

Electronic Monitoring Of Government Schemes:

With usage of technology we can empower high ranking government officials, bureaucrats and ministers to monitor number of beneficiaries for different government welfare schemes. It will eradicate corruption to a significant level and would ensure that maximum benefits of these schemes reach to the rightful benefactors.
A thorough electronic monitoring through the usage of available digital technology is not very tough to achieve with type of resources and workforce available with government.

It will also strengthen the trust of people in government and would also offer much needed assurance to taxpayers of rightful usage of their hard earned money.


If various e-commerce companies with their limited resources can offer us the exact date about deliverance of any product why the same model can’t be implemented in the term of delivery of services in different government establishments? All we need is an E-charter.

With the help of technology people can be empowered to digitally monitor the progress of their requests in different government offices. It will increase transparency, enhance the working environment of government offices and would make different government processes for general public very easy and smooth. E-Charter is surely the need of hour.

With these small but significant steps we can realize the dream of a #DigitalIndia and can witness our country grow with much more pace.

Indeed it won’t be an exaggeration to say that:

“Technology is the wheel on which a modern Nation needs to ride for fast pace of development”

Intel Supports the #DigitalIndia Vision And We Stand with Intel In their efforts with our ideas and thoughts!

Image courtesy
All images borrowed with gratitude from Google image search.
(in order of appearance of image on this post):
image1: http://www.usa.indiaincorporated.com/ 
image3: http://computer.financialexpress.com/egov-watch/
image 4: http://innov8tiv.com/
image 5: http://digitalindiamib.com/


Author & Editor

An Engineer by qualification, a blogger by choice and an enterprenur by interest. Loves to read and write and explore new places and people.


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