Thursday, June 11, 2015

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BOOK REVIEW: Think From The Heart Love From The Mind by Gian Kumar

Book Reviews
Think From The Heart  Love From The Mind is a beautiful narration of one's spiritual journey where you can come across infinite loops of concepts, traditions and practices in search of the supreme knowledge or your own soul.

The book is categorically divided in different chapters which deal with different questions and concepts of our over all existence and beliefs. The author mindfully captures your attention with intrinsic details derived from his own research and experience in the field.

In this book Gian Kumar talks of amalgam between science, religion and spirituality as well as broadens your outlook towards knowledge of self and the forces covering the universe.

The author takes you on an exhilarating spiritual journey explaining different factors in detail and order. Constant repetitions of certain features in different contexts makes you wondering about how these concepts are so unique and independent yet so closely correlated.

By quoting Gita and other religious texts author successfully proves his theories subsequent derivations throughout different chapters.

Details of power of yoga are explained in context to meditation techniques and historical evidences are invoked to make clear the concepts of a conscious life. 

This is no handy book for amateurs but indeed a delightful read for serious readers wondering over larger than life phenomenon's of creation and destruction, awareness, completeness or truth among many others!

Why Should you read this: A quote from the book says," The tragedy of modern man is not that he knows less and less, but that it bothers him less and less." Without much of persuasions I would just say read it if you want to broaden your paradigm of life and your own existence.

Certainly, author Gian Kumar has given a new dimension to philosophy of spiritual awakening. My appreciations to him and as a reader and seeker of life I am undoubtedly waiting for more of his book.

This book can be purchased online from:


Author & Editor

An Engineer by qualification, a blogger by choice and an enterprenur by interest. Loves to read and write and explore new places and people.


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