Tuesday, February 11, 2014

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United Kingdom’s Empire of Knowledge!!!

#KnowledgeIsGreat Knowledge Sheffield University Studying in UK

Studying abroad has always been one of my revered childhood dreams. It is basically that I have always been very much fond of exploring new places, culture and people. And what could be better than garnering finest education in this process of discovery.

Big Ben London

Though with growing up and garnering knowledge many a things changed. My notion about society, its people and much more was upgraded and changed but finally what remained constant was my fascination for getting enrolled in a course in UK.

While in the former part of my life it was more about visiting the land of Thames, in later part the obsession kept its gravity intact due to constant lure for getting enrolled in one of the world’s top universities.

Being a land of Four out of world’s top six universities, UK wins hands down when it comes to zeroing on a foreign destination for higher education.
For me as of now my dream choice remains the University of Sheffield for pursuing a post graduate journalism course.

Knowledge Is Great!!!
Indeed while opting for a Higher Education degree from United Kingdom every person faces the challenge of choosing the most appropriate one, amongst the best ones. Almost each and all of the World Class universities of UK have so many advantages that a person finds it hard to sever even a single of it from his list of dream universities. So most probably many people end up simultaneously applying at an array of Universities from United Kingdom.

For me also the choice was a tough one. However as I am quite clear about the course that I want to pursue, a thorough research made the selection, little easy.

Nevertheless like all top ranking universities of United Kingdom with World Class Infrastructure and Education, University of Sheffield is also a pioneer research based university. It is the pride alma mater of Five Nobel laureates and a number of distinguished scholars.

The University of Sheffield is a reputed university based in the city of Sheffield in South Yorkshire, England. The university is amongst one of the original Red Brick universities and ranks amongst the finest institutes for higher education in the world.

City of Sheffield- Fourth Largest City in UK
While looking out for a post graduate degree in my core area of interest i.e. journalism I encountered that the courses offered in the University of Sheffield are the best in this domain and offer a thorough understanding of everyday changing digital technologies of modern day journalism. I would feel blessed to be a part of this prestigious organization to get professional nourishment to pursue my dream career goal.

United Kingdom also is a top favorite destination for international students. Around 4, 30,000 to 5, 00,000 foreign nationals get enrolled in UK every year for their higher education needs. All the universities in UK have strong international student societies to support and make foreign nationals feel welcomed in the country. UK is a great place to mix-up with students from varied cultural diversities and faiths.

A World Class Education mixed with a distinguished cultural experience is the best thing any student can dream of and obviously United Kingdom is the only thing that you can opt for such great ensemble.

For those who are looking for getting admissions in a higher professional degree course in UK the applications for admission in major universities start pouring in from as early as June in previous year and have to be submitted before September of the desired year. It is advisable to apply as soon as possible to secure a seat in top universities as the competition is too high.

For more info over Great Knowledge experience offered in Great Britain Island fell free to visit KnowledgeIsGreat.

(This Is My Valid Entry For IndiBloggers Knowledge Is Great competition Visit knowledge is Great for more details)

All images from free image source- pixabay.com


Author & Editor

An Engineer by qualification, a blogger by choice and an enterprenur by interest. Loves to read and write and explore new places and people.


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