Human Civilization has come a long way since the rock age.
Mankind prospered and moved out of forest and caves where it used to dwell at
those times.
Though human beings might have moved out of forest but did
jungle really moved out of us?
It’s hard to answer it. When one just looks around, it
simply doesn’t require much effort to spot the two-legged animals. Many a
times, the mirror can also do the trick though it’s not so simple to spot it in
such case. You can call that one of Animal Instincts.
So the question that I was having hard time thinking about
is actually what is it that differentiates us the Human Beings from the
Our power to think? No, animals can think!!
Our ability to invoke new ideas? Wrong, I doubt they also invent
ideas. From saving themselves from falling prey to hunters, for searching, for
saving themselves from harsh weather etc. Yes they also derive and develop
So what it actually is? They eat, they talk, they dance, they
make love, they breathe, they breed, they do almost all the things we do.
They do make their societies. Many animals have their closed
social groups.
So what makes us the Humans superior of all the living beings?
Is this notion itself a complete havoc or there is really
some substance to it.
Let’s analyze it through the reality of life!!
Actually as much as I understood it’s all about the power,
The Power to rule. This is the thing that has made us Humans as we are.
Ironically enough this is the same thing that at times makes us animals again.
We had the power to rule over the wildest of animals. So we
did it. We captured them for our fun, killed them for our entertainment,
eradicated their comfort zones and when we finally succeeded in achieving all
of it without any hiccup we proudly called ourselves the best creation of God.
Indeed God is too omnipresent to even file his objections
for this claim.
This indeed clears the complete analogy; there is no one to
raise any objection to whatever we do. So it’s more about the monopoly than any
Nevertheless we happily practice animalism everyday. We are
lion for our servant, a dog for our boss, a fox for our lover and a calf for
our mother.
Isn’t it great to take so many animal avatars everyday and
still call ourselves superior and better?
Incidentally We Were, Are and Would be Animals.
(This article doesn’t intend to disgrace any actual animals
and if feelings of any declared animals are hurt please consider it a humanly
(Image taken from-
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