The best part was he never
gave in!!
People called him a naxalite sympathizer, an American
agent who is funded by Ford Foundation, a B party of congress and also BJP, and
what not. Every mouth had some opinion about Arvind.
Indeed he stood firm, saved himself from in
numerous traps, and finally came out with flying colors in a position where he doesn't have much to lose unless something drastically gets out of way.
As one of the strong supporter of Modi, I was actually
agitated and bewildered at the level of double talk to which many BJP leaders stooped
in to while dealing with Kejriwal. They didn't realize the same environment of
accountability and change in the air, which resisted them from figuring out any
way to form a Government in Delhi, also applies to such kind of foul mouthing
These people were blaming Arvind of having fear of
how to fulfill promises, running from responsibility and all such sort of stuff
when he was resilient to for the government. The moment he said yes for it, he
became the biggest backstabber, he fooled the public, and he used everyone in
his lust for power.
Like, what’s wrong with these guys? Don’t they
understand people now a day’s don’t fall for everything nonsense? Didn’t they realize the present levels of public scrutiny? See every tweet remains in
public space even after deleting, so if you take a stand once, please try to
stick to it at least for some days.
Saying two completely opposite things just in
a gap of two days isn't something they must be doing at this time. Ok, I
understand the necessities of politics, I understand how terribly everyone
wants AAP to take one single step, but at least wait for that single step.
Crying foul for both sides of everything related to AAP will only make these
people lose their credibility’s and would eventually make AAP stronger.
So my kind request to BJP is, it’s your
strongest phase after Atal ji’s regime, so kindly don’t misuse it.
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