Thursday, December 19, 2013

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Indian Diplomat Arrest Part 2 -The Other Side of Story!!

Devyani khobragade. US Embassy Indian Diplomat Arrest USA

In the case of arrest of the Indian Diplomat Devyani khobragade in USA though the political class seems to be unambiguously united for the criticism but this uniformity of views in this incident isn’t true when it comes to general public.

People who are following this issue closely over the web have a clear visible divide in their opinions. If there are not as much then also not much less number of people who are fairly appreciative of the actions of US government.

The most general reason for this perception as given by many is-“This is US of A, no India, here people are treated equally, and this country doesn’t mix up its law enforcement with political influence. What happened is good, High and Mighty need to be taught a lesson”

I just want to ask such personals to divulge in to the details of the event before jumping to the conclusion.

First of all the maid in question is absconding since June this year. There is a court warrant issued on her name in India since that time. Indian government has months ago passed on this information to the US officials, but as you would know by now, that they didn’t bother. Indeed about 11.7 million immigrants are living in the United States illegally, and adding one more to it won’t matter much.

Also as much as the popular perception of US law being completely unbiased and equal for all stands, I would beg to disagree. Undoubtedly law of each and every country on the face of earth proclaims itself to be equal for all, but the ground realities are different at many places. Going by an example of another maid salary furor in the United States, the equal-for-all enthusiasts would surely like to dig in to the fate of such allegation when the Person in question was Mitt Romney- the Republican Party candidate for US presidential election in 2012. Google for it yourself as that's too large too elaborate here.

Now coming back to point, Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara in his long statement about this case said that,” his sole motivation was to hold accountable anyone who breaks the law - no matter what their societal status and no matter how powerful, rich or connected they are."

It’s important to know that, Mr. Preet Bharara is a Punjab(India) born US attorney, he is the same man who made the arrest of India-origin Wall Street trader Rajat Bhatia on the exact Diwali night.

It should also be noted that not much ago US federal judge Richard J Sullivan criticized attorney Bharara for being a drama queen. He accused him for doing dramatic press releases containing melodramatic language that seems to be designed for tabloid consumption.

Now I don’t feel astonished on why the arrest was made in full public view while the diplomat was dropping her daughter to school. Though Mr. Bharara has said that the arrest was carried out privately and this allegation is false. Anyhow it’s the part of his job to protect his case and I surely won’t give in to his assertions now.

He also clarified that the usual practices of strip search was followed as it is imperative.

Anyhow there are many more things that make me hard to believe that this was just an obvious operation in which a lady was arrested for underpaying her servant. There is obviously some message that US wanted to convey and indeed they never expected that things would go this wrong.

India was always a soft target which never retaliated back no matter what.

The point that I want to derive is very simple. We are the residents of a civilized society and are further governed by some laws and pacts. What transpired in the case of Devyani Khobragade is unacceptable. On the name of law enforcement it was a complete breach of diplomatic institution. Even if she was a consulate general and her immunity was not subjected to her personal conducts, the points such as the manner in which US conducted the arrest, ignored the issues raised by India on the absconding maid and flew in the family members of the maid just two days before this drama, surely raise many a question.

The whole incident smells fishy in the way things transpired. Bringing in family members to the country before the arrest in a case fielded by some illegal immigrant who is also absconding, would hardly be a common practice.

As of now it’s not a matter of lower wages or absconding servant, it’s a matter of a Nations Pride. United state can’t treat the world’s largest democracy in the way it feels best. India shouldn’t give in this time.


Author & Editor

An Engineer by qualification, a blogger by choice and an enterprenur by interest. Loves to read and write and explore new places and people.


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