Tuesday, December 3, 2013

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Remember the Past and Vote For Future-Vote Delhi Vote!!!

#Vote4Change #VoteDelhiVote AAP Delhi Delhi Assembly Polls

So the D-Day has come for all the #Delhiites

Enough of hitting on the keyboard and mouse, it’s time to move on, time to press the button that makes all the difference...it’s Time to VOTE!!!!

And while you do,

Remember the minister, who said, Indians forgot Bofors, would forget Coal Scam Too. Prove him wrong!

Remind yourself of his counterpart who kept on reading Portugal’s envoys speech for straight 10 minutes at UN!!!
Question yourself; don’t we have Better Options amongst this billion plus population? Choose the better one's!

Remember 2G, CWG and off-course The Gurgaon Wale JIJA ji, and tell the fugitives- Our Nation is Not On Sale!!

Remember those Water Canons on Raisina Hills when you were fighting for a girl that could have been your sister or daughter, remember that oath to uproot corruption that you took at Ramleela Maidan and do remember the government that ditched us all.

Remember the great person who refused to check the price-rise saying “Paise Ped Pe nahi Lagte”. Off-course, it’s Time to tell him, neither do votes!!!

Remember the coal files that went missing and the guy who claimed he was not the custodian. Let’s start from here to free him and his associates from all other responsibilities as well.

Bring a conclusive end to all the things you fought for...

Don’t act foolish, don’t ruin the education you got, Go and VOTE!!!

The Dance of Democracy is incomplete without you!!

Vote Delhi because India Is Watching

Accha Chune, Saccha Chune!!!
Go and Vote for your Future!!!

And a personal request to all-

It’s time to get above cast, religion and region. I request you to vote for an option that’s for us and by us. You know what it is. Vote for it to show whole of the political class that people of this nation don’t only shout on roads but could also uproot the arrogance sitting on the pinnacle of the government. Reserve your political affiliations and loyalty for 2014 but for now Vote for Yourself, Vote for Myself, Vote for AAP!!!

ऐ  खाक नशीनों उठ बैठो, वो वक़्त करीब है आ पहुँचा...
जब तख्त गिराये जायेंगे जब ताज उछालें जायेंगे.

सिंघाषन खाली करो की जनता आती है|

#Vote4Change #VoteDilliVote

(image courtsey: google and video: youtube)


Author & Editor

An Engineer by qualification, a blogger by choice and an enterprenur by interest. Loves to read and write and explore new places and people.


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